Flames of Persia (DVD) جشنهاي 2500 سالهFlames of Persia & 2500th Celebrations
The theme of the great parade was the evolution of the several Persian armies, illustrated by almost 4000 men from the Iranian Army, responsible for this particular part of the celebrations. The event begun with the arrival of two officers riding horses, bringing a message from Teheran to the Shah: the Presidents of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies had solemnly sent it a few days before, from the doorstep of the Palace of the Senate, after approval by a joint session of the two houses of Parliament. It was a message congratulating the Shah, which had been manuscript in accordance to ancient traditions. Placed inside a box, it travelled through the desert, taken by two officers dressed in Achaemenian uniforms and in horseback, which were replaced occasionally. The President of the Senate, Mr. Emami read the message, in which the fidelity and affection of the representatives of the Iranian nation was expressed. The Shah thanked the words of the senator and pronounced a speech, of which an excerpt is provided here: Type: Documentary Language: In Farsi or English |